Digital Scholarship


Rod Library's Digital Scholarship unit partners with faculty, students, and staff to advance research, teaching, and creative expression in the digital age. The Digital Scholarship unit manages content, infrastructure, and user interfaces for all stages of the research lifecycle, including research planning, execution, dissemination, discovery, preservation, and impact. We showcase the intellectual vitality of the University by managing UNI's institutional repository and digital collections, digitizing materials, assisting in planning and implementing scholarly digital projects, and providing support for the scholarly communication. We accept a broad range of content from the University of Northern Iowa community.

UNI ScholarWorks

The Digital Scholarship unit coordinates UNI ScholarWorks, the institutional repository. The purpose of UNI ScholarWorks is to collect, preserve, and make available the research, creative, and scholarly output from the University of Northern Iowa's community. Our goal is to showcase the knowledge, creativity, and innovative spirit of UNI.  


  • The Digital Scholarship unit is located on the first floor of Rod Library in LIB 125. 
  • The unit also coordinates the scanning equipment located in the Digital Scholarship Lab in LIB 129. Campus faculty, staff, and students as well as the public can make arrangements to use the equipment by setting up an appointment through the email account. 


What We Do

  • Share your work through our digital publishing platform
  • Preserve your scholarship and data
  • Make your work more visible 
  • Navigate copyright and Open Access licensing

Rod Library works to expand the reach and impact of UNI departments and programs. The Global Readership Map shows over 5.2 million downloads of material located in the institutional repository, from all over the world.
